Browsing: Tiny Houses For Sale

Tulsa, Oklahoma FOR SALE $70,000 This 224 square foot minimalistic living space is loaded with conveniences and prepared for a proprietor.…

Ramona, California FOR SALE $75,000 This wonderfully smart 320 sq foot minimalistic living space could be yours! It doesn’t accompany the…

Sand Lake, Michigan FOR SALE $50,000 Portable. Present day. Negligible. 320 square foot custom minimalistic home with an advanced provincial style.…

Willis, Virginia FOR SALE $50,000 Minimalistic home on wheels, generally finished available to be purchased! As a working from home proficient…

This is a model we’re calling The Heritage. It was worked by us at Mountain Lake Tiny Homes north of…

An advanced minimalistic home on wheels, offers minimalistic home living without bargain. With everything from a full estimated kitchen with…

Fresno, California FOR SALE $25,000 Please call for details Vince 559-722-3953 Features The owner hasn’t added any features to this listing…

The house estimates 6’4′ wide x 17′ long. Strong all wood minimalistic home on trailer, off network, cedar shake rooftop,…