Browsing: Tiny House Designs

Monte Rio, California FOR SALE $300,000 Otherworldly! Minimalistic home on Dutch Bill Creek is a definitive Zen escape. 324 sq.ft -…

Austin, Texas FOR SALE $56,000 We are a minimalistic house organization, selling a minimalistic living space studio/office. Ideal for artists and…

Mount Vernon, Illinois FOR SALE $80,000 Our minimalistic home luxuries are: 344 sq. ft. which incorporates two 8’X 9′ lofts. Enormous…

The Nixie is a 20′ steel surrounded minimalistic home from Tiny House Chattanooga. Its greenish blue green outside with white…

From Indiana-based Burrow Tiny Homes is this 20′ minimalistic home, the Wanigan. The 250-square-foot house highlights two dozing lofts, a…