Author: Maria Monroe

Freelance writer | News Curator Newsbreak | Facebook | Twitter

Cheryl Treadway knew that she had to do something to alert others about her boyfriend’s actions at home. His behavior was unimaginable and uncontrollable. One afternoon, he completely lost it and held Cheryl and her children hostage in their home. He also had a knife on him that he threatened to use. Two of Cheryl’s children hugged each other in one part of the home while Cheryl held onto another child. She was frightened, but she had an idea of how to get the help that she and her children needed. She told her boyfriend that she was hungry. He…

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In 1978, when Jen was a newborn she was put up for adoption. She was adopted by her new forever family three months later. When Jen turned seven, she learned that she had been adopted, it was a shock and disappointment. Jen decided that she needed to know who her biological mother was and wanted to meet her. In 2015, she got finally tracked down by her mother and tried to reach out to her, but her letters were always returned – unopened. How heartbreaking would that be? Jen wasn’t willing to accept her birth mother’s silence and pursued the…

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After weeks of investigating, Police in Queensland, Australia is still trying to find the family of a mysterious elderly woman dropped off outside a hospital. Police in Queensland, Australia, ask for the public’s help to identify a frail elderly woman who has dropped off outside a local hospital three weeks ago in a very distressed state. Authorities believe the woman is between 80 and 90 years old. She was dropped just outside of Nambour Hospital by a man who told police that he founder her wandering around a rural area called Mooloolah Valley. Police interviewed the many who dropped her…

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Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were one of the hottest and most talked-about couples of Hollywood. Even after their divorce, fans are secretly hoping for some miracle. Recently we told you about the actress’s shocking confession about always being in love with her ex-husband. But did you know that Brad cheated on Aniston with Angelina Jolie? Well, we are not saying this, In Fact, it is Jennifer who feels so. Read on to know the entire story. We all know that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spend their relationship up pretty quickly following the Moneyball star’s divorce with Jennifer Aniston.…

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Times are tough, many people are working two jobs to make ends meet. In Hawaii, Cayla Chandara has two jobs – both as a waitress. I have never worked in a restaurant, but I can’t imagine it is easy to work. You are on your feet all day, and sometimes the customers aren’t very nice to deal with. Cayla had moved from California to Waikiki, Hawaii to finish school – but that didn’t work out for her. So, she had to get two jobs to pay off her school loans. Cayla didn’t give up her dream of finishing school, she…

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The world is increasingly an unsafe place. Even without taking into account the many disasters that can already happen caused by sheer bad luck and Mother Nature taking its course, there are far too many things that are outside our control. What we can control to ensure our own protection, then, is incredibly limited – especially so when it comes to the safety of our children. With a mind that is still growing and developing to understand the world around them, children are incredibly vulnerable to those who would take advantage of them. This is especially so since they have…

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Amazing acts of bravery and altruism sometimes end up with the hero of the story in need of a helping hand. That was just what happened when a young waitress leaped from a tall pier at dusk to save a drowning boy. Hanna Pignato, a 19-year-old waitress at Joe’s Crab Shack, was working the rooftop evening shift on what started as just another Saturday. Just before 8 p.m., she heard a woman frantically screaming. Hanna ran to a lower level to see what was happening. She discovered a young boy was caught in a riptide and being pulled further and…

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I will never understand why people take their pets for a ride in the car and then leave them in the car while they go shopping – leave your dog at home! What is even more baffling is when people actually leave their children in the car! Middlesex County Sheriff’s Department Sergeant Steve Eckel saw a four-month-old baby locked in a car with the windows all the way up. It was nearly 80 degrees that day, and temperatures inside the car were already up near 120! The baby was in distress, and Steve grabbed a sledgehammer from his car and…

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A mother from Connecticut was left shock and mortified over a simple choice she made. When a delivery person rang her doorbell, Patty Levreault didn’t answer the door. She figured the person would simply drop off the package at her porch so she could go back for it later. Instead, the police were at her house to investigate if they have enough proof to send her to jail for allegedly abandoning her kids. Levreault told ABC News that the reason why she didn’t open her front door for the delivery person was that she was dressed inappropriately. The mom was…

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